Kongsberg Automotive SAE 100 R14 Range

Kongsberg Automotive SAE 100 R14 Range image

Kongsberg Automotives SAE 100R14 Range is a smoothbore PTFE lined hose that is made to meet or exceed the SAE 100R14 specification. This range is also available in USA with a fully validated range of fittings and ferrules for your added safety.


Used in stringent applications that need the protection of a hose that meets or exceeds SAE 100 R14 standard.
Inner layer construction
Medium wall smoothbore PTFE tube - PTFE according to “ISO12086, Part 1.PTFE-E.P.D.M 1.6.1.C.E.4_12”
Outer Layer construction
High tensile 304 maypole wound Stainless Steel braid
Temperature range
-60°C to +260°C (-76°F to +500°F)
Ferrule range available
Fitting range available
Not at present
Antistatic liners are available for the SAE 100 R14 range for when electrically resistive fluids are being transferred at high flow rates.


SAE 100 R14 Range Tech Data Sheet

sae100-r14-range-1176.pdf | pdf | 331 KB | Last Changed: 31/12/2016 11:52am